Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vertical Issues

That's to say: I'm having trouble staying vertical. I've never been grace personified, but there are limits after which I will not take blame for my own actions. For example, the other night, I nearly took a header off the top stairs of our porch. I could see that "oh shit" look on Jb's face just before he reached out and got his arms around me. My hero, of course. Otherwise, I'd have fallen backward down the stairs and busted my head. Crazy person in the hospital with a head injury. Ba-bump ching. Funny, funny stuff, folks.

Anyway, I really don't know if it's a side effect of one of the meds or not. Zoloft is the most recent addition. But seriously, I walk around the apartment like I'm drunk. I'm good, and then all of a sudden my entire body wants to go to the right, and my feet are trying to catch up. I trip over myself constantly, and when I get up from sitting down, I often plop right back down because I can't quite get my balance. My ex-mother-in-law had an inner ear thing that kept her off balance, but I've no inner ear thing. Thus, I can only attribute it to meds.


Anonymous said...

oh yeh.. its the meds. they completely throw you off... did u say you were on klonopin? that was the kicker for me. And now that i am off meds (bad decision, im paying for it. BELIEVE ME) the wobbly crazy lady business is gone....

Going back on meds.. when will the roller coaster end?

Inertia said...

Yeah, the psych is all about getting a blood test to see what it says about what I'm on. I'm all 'meh' because I'm the one walking like a drunk. :P