Thursday, July 24, 2008

Frustration Personified

I've been med compliant for at least two weeks now. So no weird ups and downs in meds, and the last few days I've been depressed as hell. Spending too much time in bed, not caring about anything, not even enough to make food. Just sort of let the hunger gnaw at my stomach because I can't be buggered to feed it. I have all these good intentions: straighten up in the front room, maybe sweep, do dishes, keep bathroom picked up, mop in the bathroom and kitchen. Doubt any of it will get down. Jb has the cigarettes at work, and I can taste them in my mouth, it's how I know I'm missing them, and I hate that, hate the way the taste comes in to remind me. I'm in such a mood today that I really think it's best for everywhere if I just keep to myself.


Anonymous said...

Friendly neighborhood JB here.

I havn't really noticed this funk of a depression, honestly. Although I have noticed you being down a bit here and there, but it's justifiable considering the circumstances with the Medicaid.

You've been productive around the apartment tho, kitchen and the bathroom the other day. I wouldn't could that 'doing nothing'. It's productive and counts.

Inertia said...

I'd have to admit that it comes on worse when I'm alone. But thanks, babe, for the supportive comment and appreciation for the, honestly, little I've done around the apartment. Baby steps, right?